Re: [gimmie-list] websites-as-apps?

On 5/15/06, Alex Graveley <alex beatniksoftware com> wrote:

Ya, this is the grand plan behind Gimmie, basically...

In the near-term future Gmail, Basecamp, Wikipedia, etc will show up in
Gimmie's Applications when you browse to them.  This makes them easier
to switch to in the midst of other tasks, and allows for bookmarking.
Presenting an icon you can manipulate grants these webapps the ability
to be "installed" if you use them a lot, using DND or copy/paste, or
some other mechanism.  And just browsing to their URLs gets an entry
added to recently used, so you can find them again later.

In the long term some standardized phishing-proof solution will have to
be developed to allow URL content to describe themselves as part of an
application, and point to it's metadata.

Also, Gimmie will extend a bit beyond just applications, into documents
and people, in that opened Friendster homepages or Facebook profiles
will be represented as People objects that you can perform similar
actions upon.

Cool. Do you anticipate this is something some excited ephy people
could help out with? :)


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