Re: What about the epiphany date server/bookmarks db

On Fri, Jul 14, 2006 at 19:29:53 +0000, Aneglus wrote:
>what about the bookmarks database ? it's planned for the 2.16.
>Actually this database could be really interresting for the entire
>gnome desktop because we could also add feeds and maybe webradios/tv.
>Why ? 
>To let us save/share all our bookmarks easly (over the web and over the
>desktop).  use case :
>I used for years epiphany but soo, firefox 2.1 is really goood and
>support gnome bookmark database. I needn't to worry about my bookmarks!

Firefox 2.1? I thought 2.0 wasn't even released yet :-)

What GNOME bookmark database? (I probably don't know enough about
GNOME's architecture to realise what you're talking about here.)

>For example the epilicious extensions is really interresting but should
>be implemented alone.

As the author of epilicious I'm a little curious what you mean with this
:-) I suspect you mean that if epiphany hooks into a GNOME-wide
bookmarks database then epilicious could be a standalone program rather
than an epilicious plugin.


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
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