Epiphany Topic Selector Patch t3

Hi all!

* What is it ?

This is a patch is for the Epiphany web browser (part of GNOME),
providing a new bookmark properties window, adding some useful
enhancements to the topic selector. It also happens to make bookmarks
and topics able to be drag-and-dropped from the bookmarks menus to
places like the toolbar and the browser tabs. It also includes a number
of bug fixes and reworking of some code.

Note that this is an alpha-quality release of my current patch to CVS
head. Feel free to test, but assume that some things will be broken. I'm
mainly posting this for review for including in CVS.

* What's changed for t3?
      * EphyNode now skips storing a string parameter if it is null.
      * EggEditableToolbar no longer supports middle-mouse-button drag,
        fixes a bug in the popup-menu drag, and now uses GtkUIManager
        for the popup-menu. Cleaned up ephy-bookmark-action.c to match
        the new gtk-ui-manager based popup menu on the toolbar.
      * Removed ephy-new-bookmark and ephy-topics-selector. Large
        additions to ephy-bookmarks-ui to replace ephy-new-bookmark.
      * Removed all the slightly different bits of code to create a
        bookmark and added one function ephy_bookmarks_ui_add_bookmark.
      * Made the ephy-bookmark-action widgets activatable from outside
        of ephy-bookmark-action.c by a new function (required for the
      * Moved the hashtable recording the bookmark properties windows,
        etc. into ephy-bookmarks-ui.
      * Large additions to ephy-bookmark-properties, and making it
        support new/existing bookmarks with just one dialog.
      * Fixed some bugs in the datatype handlers for the toolbar which
        are supplied by ephy-bookmarks-ui.
      * Added a new field "usericon" to the ephynode/bookmarks database,
        to store the URL of the user-defined icon (if any). It can be
        NULL (use site icon), "" (use none), or a URL.
      * Added DnD from bookmarks menu to the toolbar and other places.
      * Implemented the topics palette.

* What problems are known?
      * Visibility for individual toolbars is broken.
      * Selecting a file for the usericon is broken (DnD to the icon
        widget works so far).

* Where can I get it ?

It's attached as a bzipped patch file. I'm lazy.

* How do I compile it ?

Apply patch to CVS head.



PS. Some interesting statistics from the patch file, showing numbers of

 lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c           |  276 +++++++--------
 lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.h           |    7
 lib/ephy-node.c                          |    2
 src/Makefile.am                          |    3
 src/bookmarks/Makefile.am                |    6
 src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-action.c     |  164 +++------
 src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-action.h     |    5
 src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-properties.c |  455 +++++++++++++++++++++-----
 src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-properties.h |    2
 src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c    |    4
 src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-ui.c        |  537 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-ui.h        |   10
 src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c           |  111 ++----
 src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.h           |    9
 src/bookmarks/ephy-topic-action.c        |  121 ++++++
 src/bookmarks/ephy-topics-palette.c      |  528 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/bookmarks/ephy-topics-palette.h      |   60 +++
 src/ephy-history-window.c                |   20 -
 src/ephy-window.c                        |   16
 src/epiphany.defs                        |   18 -
 src/popup-commands.c                     |   18 -
 src/window-commands.c                    |   24 -
 22 files changed, 1870 insertions(+), 526 deletions(-)

The following files were also deleted (line counts shown):
  496 epiphany/src/bookmarks/ephy-new-bookmark.c
   72 epiphany/src/bookmarks/ephy-new-bookmark.h
  353 epiphany/src/bookmarks/ephy-topics-selector.c
   64 epiphany/src/bookmarks/ephy-topics-selector.h
  985 total

Attachment: t3.patch.bz2
Description: application/bzip

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