History/bookmarks preview (and some craziness)

Hello everybody,

I was sitting here reading the wiki[1] and just remembered that
thumbnailing for websites is a feature request getting rotten[2].
Now, I also read suggestions to use the f-spot navigation widget[3]
which I think is total crack and would make Ephy so BLING BLING that
it would easily become a killer app.

I thought a little about it so I wouldn't write crack stuff that is
impossible, and found that using that widget (together with the actual
image browsing one, I mean the one where this slider takes effect)
would be easy.
Since f-spot is an image app and this two widgets (browsing slider and
view pane) are image-centric we can easily embrace them just by
providing what they want: images. How? with some good ol' copy-paste
from gnome-web-photo, of course there would be a lot of crack needed
to make f-spot magic work on Ephy.

As far as I can see the consequences of this, hacking it would imply
the following:
1. Integrating bookmarks and history
2. Integrating gnome-web-photo or at least copy-paste the relevant parts
3. Create a new window/widget based on f-spot that can be fed with a
set of images (as in f-spot) obtained from a bookmarks or history
items range/set.
 3½. Document it! (or maybe make it available to other apps and not just Ephy)
4. Ask a mad amount of questions to everyone
5. Enjoy success

So the reason to write this to the list is to hear some opinions about
how can this be done and to receive some tips. I would gladly get into
this, and if someone wants to "mentor" me I would be twice glad :).

Opinions of the Ephy gurus will be appreciated.

End of crack, get back to your normal mailing.

1 - http://live.gnome.org/Epiphany/BookmarksHistoryIntegration
2 - http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=326508
3 - http://live.gnome.org/data/Epiphany(2f)BookmarksHistoryIntegration/attachments/fspot-time-bar.png

Diego, your crack-feature suggester.

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