keywords as a core extenstion

Keywords in a nutshell: I type "wp Epiphany" and my browser goes to

The feature request was raised recently (and doubtless previously):

which pointed to a bug report with patch:

First of all - what is the "right way to do it"?  In particular, which
signal should be caught to do the address re-write?  The above patch
hooks into the "resolve-address" signal.  Alternatively, the
sample-python-location tutorial extension (which listens to the
"ge-location" signal) seems really easy to tweak into the proof of
concept one-pager at the bottom of this e-mail.

Second - what plans do the Epiphany devs have (if any) of "blessing"
this feature (as part of epiphany-extensions, presumably)?  Because I am
hoping to provide it through the deskbar-applet, even if the preferred
browser is Epiphany rather than Firefox (boo, hiss :-).  So, what would
make this part of Epiphany 1.10?  How can I help (I'd be willing to do
some coding/writing)?  Or will I otherwise have to install an Epiphany
extension as part of deskbar-applet, and mess with bookmark storage
(which is itself another discussion)?


import epiphany;

keywords = {
	'wp ':'' }

def location_cb(embed, address, tab):
	if address.startswith('keyword:'):
		k = address[8:].strip()
		i = k.find('%20')
		if i != -1:
			key = k[:i] + ' '
			args = k[i+3:]
				embed.load_url(keywords[key] % args)
			except KeyError, TypeError:
				# either key was not in the map
				# keywords, or
				# the URL did not have a '%s' in it
			except KeyError:
				# k was not in the map keywords

def attach_tab(window, tab):
	embed = tab.get_embed()
	sig = embed.connect('ge-location', location_cb, tab)
	embed._python_sample_location_sig = sig

def detach_tab(window, tab):
	embed = tab.get_embed()
	sig = embed._python_sample_location_sig
	del embed._python_sample_location_sig

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