Firefox' way of searching

Anyone of you developpers noticed Miguel de Icaza (where isn't that guy
involved in). remark on searching:

"This must be obvious to every Firefox user now, but am still amazed at
the simplicity and the beauty of Firefox's search design. 

Ever since I can remember GUI applications, searching has been
implemented as a popup box that pops in the middle of your document
covering the text you want to search. Descriptions on how to float these
dialog boxes and the discussion about how to create these non-modal
dialog boxes is present in most GUI programming books that taught these
principles to developers. 

The beauty of placing the search at the bottom as opposed to using a
sidebar is that the document is almost never reformatted. "

I really think he's right. Can this be done in Epiphany?

Kind Regards

Meulemeester Jan Dante

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