Re: [Epiphany] Re: Tabs options

On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 08:33:32PM -0400, David Adam Bordoley wrote:

 > I agree with marco, tabs are particualarly useful for browsing
 > because they allow threaded navigation. This doesn't mean that apps
 > ought to be impelemented using mdi. Most of us tab foes would much
 > prefer them to implemented in the wm (MPT included). 

 That's nice on paper, but truth is that a web browser is an exeption in
 terms of interaction, not the rule.  The inherent high latency makes
 users gravitate naturally towards having multiple web browser windows
 open at the same time, which isn't the case for a word processor or a
 spreadsheet.  In the later cases the reason why the user opens multiple
 documents is that he needs to transfer information from one to the
 other, not because he wants to "work" on multiple documents at the same

 There *are* window managers where this "tabbed windows" concept just
 doesn't fit in, but because of the reason I mention above the user
 still wants to have a tabbed web browser.


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