[Epiphany] Re: How to add new smart bookmark

Ryan Boren writes: 

> As David mentions, you can create a webpage of smart bookmarks.  You can
> save home:smartbookmarks and then edit that to get going. 
> That said, being able to click "New Smart Bookmark" in the Bookmarks
> editor would be nice.  However, its audience would indeed be limited. 

That is a crucial point here. Epiphany's target audience is end users. Smart 
Bookmarks are basically an implementation detail, that we shouldn't expose 
to users imo (they ought to just work). New Smart Bookmark and even New 
Bookmark would force users to further develop an understanding of urls which 
seems unnecessary to me at least. (I very much like the fact that epiphany 
has reached the point where users pretty much never need to use web 

> One thing we might want to do is show the Smart Location in the
> Properties dialog for a smart bookmark.  Currently, you can change the
> Location but not the Smart Location.  If you change one you probably
> want to change the other.  If there's any interest in this, I can create
> a patch that shows a "Smart Location" field in the Properties dialog if

Well it would be smart address (well pretty soon will be:_) ) but again this 
would be exposing implementation details to the user. I'd much rather 
include a link to a database of smart bookmarks that we can maintain and 
that users can visit to add any they might want. 

> I use smart bookmarks for driving various web queries on our company
> intranet, so making them a little easier to create would be helpful. 
> Ryan 

I sympathize with you here. I guess the way I look at it is you can probably 
include at most around 5-7 smartbookmarks until you make the autocompletion 
list just too long, so the the amount of use  a "New Smart Bookmark" is 
pretty low.  I'd suspect that most users would have no clue how to create a 
smart bookmark anyway (most users don't even understands URLS at all). 

On the other hand we probably should provide an easier way for admins to 
customize the default bookmark set. Right now its done in code, which while 
easy to implement, is somewhat of a pain for distributors and admins. 


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