Re: [Epiphany] Adding bookmarks

Josh Goebel wrote:

>Ok, I like the new click the topics you would like but is there anyway
>to put the textual box back as well... I often create new topics on the
>fly and it's annoying to have to:
>1. close the add bookmark dialog
>2. open bookmarks
>3. add topic
>4. close bookmarks dialog
>5. add bookmark (go back to step 1 if I think of new topic)
>6. select topics from list (and this isn't even working now, but I'm
>recompiling from latest CVS).
We discussed this a bit on irc the other day. Based on this discussion i 
doubt the text entry will get added back. While somewhat cool, the 
keyword text entry interface proved to be to confusing for 
"non-technical users."[1] As per your complaints above, we do plan on 
implementing adding bookmarks to topics via drag and drop in the bme 
along with adding a "Not Categorized" topic (actual title has yet to be 
decided, suggestions welcomed) which should make managing bookmarks a 
lot easier.

>Seems like there has been a lot of usability lost here, at least from my
>perspective.  The source code seems to be pretty small.  I'm going to
>read it when I have time, but I haven't done any C for a long time and
>I've never messed with GTK before, so I'm probably in the dark making
>these changes myself.
Well i've basically just took up gtk programming this weekend (doing a 
lot of bme hacking) so it can't be too difficult :-D


[1] Issues that immediately come to mind,include:
     1. mutiple word topics (would require a delimiter which is a 
totally foreign concept to "non-techy" users).
     2. General preference for point and click interfaces as opposed to 
text based interfaces.

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