Re: [Epiphany] Toolbar editor suggestions

On Sat, 2003-03-08 at 01:19, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 22:24, Seth Nickell wrote:
> > Of course, this probably isn't implementable, but here's to hoping ;-)
> > 
> >
> > 
> > The red highlighting really reduces the need to document the drag
> > function because it makes it much more obvious where you are supposed to
> > drag to. Dragging "out" of the toolbar is a little more tricky to figure
> > out, but the label above the "tools box" should help clarify what you
> > can and can't do.
> Any reason the red box is only on the buttons ? Also location and
> spinner are reorderable in current implementation.
> I like the idea. I hope using a red box is not an accessibility problem
> though, but I bet there is a way to solve that.

Hmm... I didn't know these were reorderable too. Are they removable? The
main use of the red box is to suggest you can drag there, though I guess
if the other components are re-orderable, they should be in the red box

A red box shouldn't be an accesibility problem as long as you also
include the "Toolbar" label as shown in the shot. In fact, the highlight
should work just fine even if you couldn't see colour at all with the
Toolbar label present.

> > I'm not sure how it would work, but I might also suggest having the red
> > highlighting flash off and on once when you actually initiate a drag.
> > That might be a bad thing, I'm not sure. In any case, I wouldn't worry
> > about that at first.
> > 
> > I would also suggest, if it is possible, letting people drag tools out
> > of the toolbar just by dragging them out and dropping them, not
> > requiring them to return the tools to the Customize Toolbars box. I can
> > imagine people never figuring out that removing tools requires dragging
> > all the way over there.
> I agree on this too (and hope it's possible to implement it).

One option might be not to let them drag tools out anywhere (if you
can't get events for that, though you should be able to get "failed
drag" events, right?)... but to only detect dragging tools out over an
ephy window. If people don't drag it back to the box they'll probably
just drag it into the window 20 pixels below the toolbar anyway.


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