Re: [Epiphany] Re: Epiphany 0.8

> I basically think that is sane. Tabs are good for viewing links we should 
> encourage them if we think tabs are so great :p should probably do that for 
> alt+click too. 
> Also a solution to the tab bar problem is to put tabs at the bottom of the 
> window with the statusbar inside of the tab. I hack my ephy to do this and 
> like it very much. In this setup you can always show the single tab without 
> really worrying about using too much screen estate since the tab isn't in 
> direct view (ie you can hid it off screen if you choose). 

I think we need to fix that pref to at least make sense before 4 August. I guess it can
be considered part of the ui review.

So these are the case when the pref can be used, if I forgot something please tell me.

1 External links (evo links for example)
2 Popup windows
3 Middle click on links
4 Activate on history and bookmarks

5 The pref now control also the ever show tabs beahvior, acting like an MDI switch

We seem to agree that case 3 should use tab by default.
We seem to agree that case 1 should use a window by default, no matter always pref state.

Given the consensus about 1, I think an MDI switch is already out of question, it will never behave
in a consistent way.

If we drop the MDI switch, I think we can safely use a new window for 4, bookmarks and history are
the place where url->document->window matching is more clear.

2 and 5 are left.

2 It can be considered a sort of make popup less annoying pref (similar to
what seth called a popup navigator, but with several disadvantages).
5 is an unbreak pref. Showing tabs ever means to consume some useful screen space, not showing them gives
the annoying effect of page movement when opening second tab.

I think we should drop the MDI switch idea because:
- it's not related in any way to an user task. it's a design choice.
- it proved to create a lot of confusion and problems

I think we should make a call about 2 and 5. They are two separate prefs and cannot be grouped.
I tend to think 5 should just be a gconf pref, it's just an unbreak feature. Mozilla has it though ... (not much of an argument ;).
I'm not sure about 2, opinions ?

I think the key to solve the issue is to make a clear call about middle click. We want to be sure
it's the way to go before doing the other changes.

Opinions ?
/me dream a nice constructive discussion about this and a clear decision before 4 Aug.
Pleeeease :)


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