[Epiphany] Slackware 9.0 Packages of Epiphany 0.5


I just made a .tgz of Epiphany for Slackware 9.0--your "binaries" section seemed a bit empty, so I  thought I'd unleash'em onto the public. I sent the binary to two or three people, and they gave me the a-ok, telling me it worked fine.

It's optimized for i686, but I can go lower if there is (any) demand.

I also made Mozilla 1.3 + GTK 2 support binaries, if you care for it.

It's all available on the front page of www.belg88.com, along with the instructions.

I apologize if this doesn't belong in the mailing list, but I simply didn't know where else I should send this to.


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