A sad day for me


Yesterday I have checked the new UI of Eye of GNOME and I am very sad to say
that what used to be application I loved using for 10+ years and wanted to have on every device and every OS is no longer. I no longer feel the joy of using it and it no longer suits me.

I loved the menu and it was very good for me. (I am not using the keyboard shortcuts, except for left and right and to start the slideshow). Now I can't really do what I needed the most, specially now that I am getting into photography I would constantly need the feature to show a picture in 100% and it is no longer easy to do so, sometimes even impossible.

It is confusing, hard and counter-intuitive that the menu no longer exists and features from it are all over the place. I have not tried the new EOG on many Desktop Environments but as a heavy KDE user I can say that the zoom slider that is activated by clicking on a + sign, doesn't always work.

Please, bring the old menu back.
Have the new one, yes. Even if as a default, but please provide a simple check box in preferences to bring the old one as it was.

Maybe something like:

Menu Style:
- "Simplistic"/new/etc
- Old/Classic

I don't want to offend anyone. I know you are all probably very exited about the new look and have put a lot of work into it. It does look good visually, yes.
That is not what I was after however.
I loved Eye of Gnome because it was simple, easy to use, and had all the features I needed (even features I didn't think of, before I started using Eye of Gnome) in one place.
That way it looked amazing to me.

The new UI and the fact that there is no option to get the old one back (and I didn't even see a customization option for the current one) (in a Linux/Free Software application, where things should be about Freedom and Choice) and that I've been using it and loving it for maybe even 10 years and what I loved about it is gone, really saddens me.

Please, I don't want to have to look for another image viewer.
I loved how Eye of Gnome was showing as Image Viewer in the menu because for me it was THE Image Viewer.

Please get back the old menu as a choosable replacement for the current one, somewhere in preferences.

I promise that if you do, you'd have me as a happy user for many more years to come and I'd do everything I can to help the project and contribute to it. I'd even try to learn new skills just for the reason to be able to help the project more.

Best Regards,
IFo Hancroft

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