Re: eog plugin question

Hi Wayne,

Am Freitag, den 03.08.2012, 15:34 +0200 schrieb Wayne Vosberg:
> I'm running Ubuntu 12.4 with Eog 3.4.2.   I am writing an Eog plugin
> in Python that displays a dialog in the Eog.Sidebar and displays some
> Exif data in GtkComboBoxText widgets that the user can modify.
> Everything is working nicely except for the fact that I can't seem to
> stop the Eog main window(s) (I think it is the thumbNav window) from
> getting the keystrokes that my GtkComboBoxText is receiving when it
> has focus.  So, if I hit backspace, I see that in my widget but then
> thumbNav  changes the image.  If I hit 'q', I see the 'q' in my widget
> and then Eog quits.  I know my callback is being hit - but how do I
> stop that event from being propagated to the parent widgets (or is it
> being handed down to me from the parent??).
> I'm pretty new to Gtk so I'm hoping I'm just missing something
> ridiculously obvious here ... any ideas?

I am not exactly sure right now if it works the same in Python but
theoretically it should be. If you are using the key-press signal you
should just make sure to return TRUE to stop the keypress from
propagating further.



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