eog plugin question

I'm running Ubuntu 12.4 with Eog 3.4.2.   I am writing an Eog plugin in Python that displays a dialog in the Eog.Sidebar and displays some Exif data in GtkComboBoxText widgets that the user can modify.

Everything is working nicely except for the fact that I can't seem to stop the Eog main window(s) (I think it is the thumbNav window) from getting the keystrokes that my GtkComboBoxText is receiving when it has focus.  So, if I hit backspace, I see that in my widget but then thumbNav  changes the image.  If I hit 'q', I see the 'q' in my widget and then Eog quits.  I know my callback is being hit - but how do I stop that event from being propagated to the parent widgets (or is it being handed down to me from the parent??).

I'm pretty new to Gtk so I'm hoping I'm just missing something ridiculously obvious here ... any ideas?

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