Re: eog & nautilus

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Lutz Mueller wrote:
> As the eog-image-viewer works fine with our eog-shell, I assume that
> there are too many unrefs in nautilus?


lutz abh-410:~$ export DEBUG_EOG=1
lutz abh-410:~$ eog-image-viewer
(... here, I click on an image in nautilus ...)
Eog-Message: Trying to produce a 'OAFIID:GNOME_EOG_Control'...
Eog-Message: Creating EogControl...
Eog-Message: Creating EogImageView...
Eog-Message: Loading stream...
Eog-Message: Destroying EogImageView...
Eog-Message: Destroying EogControl...

As can be seen, the stream gets loaded...


+------------------------------------------------+      (o o)
| Lutz Müller            +49 (7156) 34837        +---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+
|                                                                  |
| Hans-Sachs-Straße 5                                              |
| 71254 Ditzingen |
| Germany                urc8 rz uni-karlsruhe de                  |

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