at bottom :-
On 10/05/2018, Shobha Tyagi <tyagishobha gmail com> wrote:
> Hi! Nuritzi,
> I am feeling glad to share that we celebrated GNOME 3.28. release party on
> 4 May 2018, with the informative and nice presentations by *Jwngfu Brahma*,
> Student, who explained what are release parties, when, how & why GNOME
> celebrates releases and what are the new features that are added to this
> new version. After Jwngfu's talk we had *Rhitabrat Pokharel*, Student, he
> discussed about what are free and open source software and how can newbies
> become contributors to the any open source software, he enlightened
> students about the ways they can become GNOME project contributor. Both the
> students aspire to become the GNOME project contributors.
> The event was coordinated by *Anand Saurav* *& Pankaj Yadav*. The glimpses
> from the event are shared as an attachment with this report.
> Thanks&Regards,
> Shobha Tyagi
> IMG_4910.JPG
> < >1JLGdHGitU0hXScztNG2TSrN4NNe- G_pZ/view?usp=drive_web
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> IMG_4926.JPG
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> IMG_4937.JPG
> < >1mDdkzpB2I77s0MS9ra7f9ocu9UZHm BNz/view?usp=drive_web
> IMG_4942.JPG
> < >cbPNGuxGJA/view?usp=drive_web
> IMG_4977.JPG
> < >UPtM7hMdcbhl0sugizz7bKkZ7/ view?usp=drive_web
> IMG_4990.JPG
> < >rQezKcyTSLXo49v21D1b0tY/view? usp=drive_web
> IMG_5027.JPG
> < >1wwm2wLGkvPTgF9W4edtJ1QuxCxMrs ufZ/view?usp=drive_web
> IMG_5030.JPG
> < >nng2A9ujVrwd8sXIMmDLzGVoxTB/ view?usp=drive_web
Dear Shobha,
Nice pics. It would have been nicer if you could have shared the info.
about where was the function held, what kind of response you got and
were any queries were made ?
Shirish Agarwal शिरीष अग्रवाल
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