Re: Meeting Minutes - 04/17/2018

My friend is willing to share the China-related stuff among the Beijing Linux User's Group and maybe in some other tech-related groups in Bejing/China. Should I just send him what was linked in the previous email, or does anyone have any else they'd prefer?


On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 1:29 PM, Oliver Propst <oliver propst gmail com> wrote:
= Meeting on April 17th =

== Attendees ==
 * Oliver
 * Michael 
 * Nuritzi
 * Sri

== Roles ==
 * Chair: Nuritzi
 * Secretary: Michael
 * PM: Sri

== Agenda ==
 *GNOME in Peru (Nuritzi)
* GUADEC 2019 call for proposals <post> (oliverp)
* Newsitems (oliverp)
* Possible upcoming Engagement blogs (oliverp)
* Social Media (oliverp)

== Notes ==

=== GNOME in Peru ===
* We have somebody there (not Ubuntu-Jose) who wants to coordinate 17 FLISOL events
* He's asking for stickers and stuff to distribute to various events in the country
* Would cost about $15 if he ships for each event
* About $300 total just for shipping
* Will probably cost close to $1000 when it's all said and done
* FLISOL is in 2 weeks, not much time to get things out
* Would need stickers to be printed locally
ACTION: Nuritzi to decide how much we can commit to this initiative and then find out what we can do with that: TODO
ACTION: Michael to ask Ubuntu-Jose to join Gitlab Engagement project to become a swag center: TODO
ACTION: Nuritzi to publish a report of the Q1 spending from Engagement budget on the wiki: TODO

=== GUADEC 2019 location call for bids (CFB) post ===
* Created a draft on the gnome blog
* Sent an email to the board last friday to get more information 
* Question about whether to publish the CFB on blog or on the mailing list
* Last year it was on the foundation list and a news item
* Target post date is April 25th
ACTION: Nuritzi to establish the deadline for the CFB submissions: TODO
ACTION: Nuritzi to add conference spending policy to CFB text: TODO
ACTION: Nuritzi to post CFB to foundation-announce: BLOCKED
ACTION: Nuritzi to publish CFB post to the website: BLOCKED

=== News items ===
* Gitlab partnership was targetted to be announced late-april

=== Upcoming engagements blogs ===
* Draft for Tanuk's PulseAudio post is ready to publish
ACTION: Oliver to draf blog post about PulseAudio in Engagement blog for review
ACTION: Oliver to create new PR issues for promoting the blog post on social media: TODO
ACTION: Oliver to draft China Report in Engagement blog for review

=== Social media ===
ACTION: Sri to test reply-to-email on Gitlab issues: TODO
ACTION Sri to create issue for sending swag to ironhacks (
ACTION: Sri to work on baeder's patreon post

-mvh Oliver Propst

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