Re: [guadec-list] 20th Birthday Celebration at GUADEC

Hi again,

On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 9:47 PM, Nuritzi Sanchez
<nuritzis stanfordalumni org> wrote:
The Engagement team has been talking about several initiatives to run for
GNOME's 20th Birthday celebration this year, and some of those include doing
things at this year's GUADEC. We know that you guys are already planning on
some activities and it'd be great to sync up.

Would it be possible for some of us to attend your regular meeting next
week? Can you confirm that it's Monday at 17:00 UTC?
Next week we'll be meeting at 16:00 UTC (17:00 BST) on Tuesday 2nd
May. Does that work for you to discuss the 20th birthday celebration?


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