Fwd: [adalumni] Ladies that FOSS event -- looking for FOSS projects

I all, I I just got this email on another list, and thought some of
you may be interested in participating. Not sure who is in Germany
these days (or able to make it there), but it sounds like it could be
a great opportunity to get more newcomers in GNOME.



From: "Lucie K."
Dear everyone,

a friend and I are organizing an event called "Ladies that FOSS"
together with Wikimedia Deutschland.
It will be on 29th October, 2016 in Berlin.
FOSS projects have typically a very low participation of women and we
want to change that. Therefore, we started planning an event to bring
together female programmers and Open Source projects.

It will be a day of getting to know a project and making the first
contributions to it in order to get to know the means of
communication, the people and the code base.
It is all summarized on our website:

We are looking for projects that would be interested in mentoring FOSS
newcomers for a day.
If you have a project in mind that would be fitting or are involved in
one and want to participate please let me know, I'd be super happy!

My mail address at Wikimedia Germany is: lucie kaffee wikimedia de

Feel free to ask me any questions, please!

If you are interested in being a participant and getting to know a
FOSS project, sign up will start on August 1st.

Last but not least: We have very limited funding, therefore we sadly
can't offer any scholar ships. We would love to change that. If you
can advice us about finding sponsors for this kind of events, I'd love
to hear it. (It's the first event I am organizing and I am usually a
programmer, so it's very much learning by doing at the moment.)

Thank you very much!


Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it. -  Goethe

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't
matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr.Seuss

Every step is a first step if it's a step in the right direction. -
Sir Terry Pratchett

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