Seriously, this is my first time to join community and arrange such a confuse time and date regarding to our different timezone. But i am way too excited to start it. Got to vote ya!!!!!
Hey All,Last chance to vote (or modify your previous vote)! Please do so by 9 am PST tomorrow.Meeting TIme Poll: that time, we will release the most voted-for weekly meeting time. If there is a tie in votes, we will take into account people's feedback (we've received a few people's personal preferences by email). Please contact Sri and me if you have something you'd like us to especially consider.Thank you!Best,NuritziOn Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 5:06 PM, Nuritzi Sanchez <nuritzis stanfordalumni org> wrote:Hi All,In order to push forward our many engagement team initiatives [1], we have decided to hold meetings on a weekly basis.Each meeting can be a 15 minute sync, and if we have a lot to talk about, we can go for 45 mins - 1 hr. If someone would like a longer meeting, he or she should let the team know via email at least 24 hrs in advance of the meeting and update the agenda [2] with the topics they wish to cover.Please take a moment to vote for your preferred weekly meeting time slot [3]: meetings will begin next week, and we can schedule other focused meetings as needed, for example, to discuss the annual report, or our involement at any upcoming conference. Those focused meetings should have a leader who helps to make and drive an agenda so that they are productive.In case you haven't already done so, please add your name to the Engagement Team Directory [4] so that we can leverage your expertise when needed, and can help you grow in your areas of interest. Thanks to everyone who has already completed the short questionnaire!Best,Nuritzi[1] Engagement Team Initiatives:[2] Ongoing Meetings Agenda:[3] Weekly Team Meeting Poll:[4] Team Directory:
engagement-list mailing list
engagement-list gnome org