Social Media | Preparing for Upcoming Release & More

Hi All, 

It's almost time for the world to see GNOME 3.18 in action! Get excited. :)

In order to support this exciting launch, we need to finish setting up our social media plan and understanding who owns what. 

Here are some actions and questions:

Allan, Oliver, Parth, Bastian, Fabiana, Sri and Rosanna have been identified as currently being involved in managing a social media channel. Take a look at the ownership section below and let me know if you would like to be involved in more or less. You will be expected to help support the upcoming launch with your respective channel. 

Logins: Does anyone know if we have a complete and consolidated list of social media channel logins? If not, we need to make one. 

Supporting 3.18: Let's figure out what exactly needs to be posted on each social media channel. @Allan - Is there a checklist of things to do for the release somewhere? We should make a plan for what needs to be announced when, and via what channel. Also, do you know who owns the community calendar? It'd be great to use this to help us plan the release. 




So far, here's who we have identified as owning each social media channel for now: 

Chancellor - Allan Day w/ support from Nuritzi
Oversees the messaging to make sure all channels are aligned 

Facebook - NEED SOMEONE HERE (Oliver Propst in the meantime)
Twitter - Oliver Propst, Sri supporting
Google+ - Parth Panchal, Bastian supporting
YouTube - Bastian Ilso - Fabiana Simoes

Is anyone interested in taking over the Facebook posts? Ideally, we would have one person in charge of each channel and several supporters for each.

If you are interested in helping to manage or support any of the above channels, please also let me know. 

Referenced Documents
This is where you can see a more detailed version of the social media plan and owners. 

Original Social Media Plan | Google Doc:
Social Media Plan | GNOME Wiki Page:


Nuritzi Sanchez  |  +1.650.218.7388 |  Endless 

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