This is very interesting and something we should try to take advantage of.
Can we brainstorm how we could be one of the organizations to be part of this program?
Who could help? I'm looking for people who want to take on this responsibility. I would be happy to mentor. I don't want to do it myself because I want to increase our volunteership in engagement. (plus I don't have time)
I have two volunteers for this already! Woohoo! Sahil and Pranav will be working on this for us. I will help mentor. I have asked them to join this list so we can track progress.
Our target is by Nov 2nd, to come up with an argument with how GNOME contributes to the free web and be one of the ten organizations that Mozilla will support. I will have them work with Epiphany folks and also we could have a discussion on #engagement to formulate our arguments.