Re: Marketing: talk on Thursday for EdLUG

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 3:24 AM, Magdalen Berns <m berns thismagpie com> wrote:
Hi Sri,

On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 11:27 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna <sri ramkrishna me>
On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 2:56 PM, Magdalen Berns <m berns thismagpie com>

Thank you :-) The talk is on Thursday (this week) so I am able to make
updates to it anytime before then, really!

I went through your slides.  They look pretty good.  I would probably
remove LXDE as I understand it they have switched to using QT and so I
don't know if there are regressions with their a11y support or not.

The GTK+ and LXDE in the same slide might cause some confusion or
maybe someone might move to correct you.

Ah ok, I hadn't heard about that. Thanks for clarifying!
Yeah, I think they announced it a year ago.  I had to move amongst the
flock shepherding the discontented ones.

Under contribution, a shoutout to the engagement team would rock.

No problem. Is this the best link to use,
I take it?

Good enough.  The problem is that we don't seem to have organized it
for tasks and volunteer capture.  Which is unfortunate.

You also didn't add a11y as something to contribute to, or maybe that was

Hopefully the latter, but maybe I could make it more explicit in the header
of that slide though. I essentially lifted the first "contributing" slide
off a 2012 talk of Marina's from the Boston Summit but took out a few
bullets that were less relevant to accessibility contribution. :-)
Oh, right! :)

Thanks again for putting yourself out there and doing a presentation.
I hope you found the materials easy to obtain, I noticed that you got
the right background, so that's pretty awesome.

Credit goes to Marina for that. There's a handy page full of slides from
various talks that have been done which makes it much easier to prepare a
talk on GNOME![1]
Oh good!  I have my own.  I should actually put all my pinpoint slides
that I've done because they have copious amounts of speaker notes in
them.  Basically so much so that you can practically do the talk
reading off the speaker notes. :)

It's great to see you
doing a presentation and talking about GNOME!

I get a little nervous about public speaking, but I am looking forward to
it, too. I will hopefully get an audio recording of it to synchronise with
the slides. If so I will post it up on planet GNOME, afterwards!
I'm sure you'll do great!  My first talk was at Linuxfest Northwest
just after GNOME 3.0 was release.  I was pretty nervous too.  Plus, we
had a ton of unhappy users because of the drastic changes.  But it
went fine and I wasn't as nervous.  For me, what was good was to have
a lot of speaker notes which really helps me and makes me feel

I know today is the day of your talk, so GOOD LUCK!  Please let us
know how it went on.  Thanks for sharing the slides.  Don't forget to
put a license on it. :)


Thanks again,



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