Re: Promoting our core applications

Are you interested in volunteering? :-)  I'm happy to share the load,
the load is shared mostly with Oliver at the moment, but he's really
busy with GUADEC right now, and Parth is focused on his GSOC

Not sure if I'd want to take the lot on! But I'd certainly be happy to load-share, if this would help?

Magdalen Berns <m berns thismagpie com> wrote:
> Twitter management seems like quite a lot for one person. Why not share the
> load of managing it among a few people?

Twitter alone isn't too much work. I've managed the channel in the
past, and it was pretty easy.

It's easy until people inevitably get busy with other things or have crisis which they have to prioritise. The good thing about having a few people on deck means the load is balanced and there is a contingency for the unexpected.

Reasons to have one owner per channel:

 * you get a consistent voice across messages

Having a sensible publishing policy can do the same thing for consistency, just as we have for code commits.
 * the channel owner can schedule activity, to ensure regular posting,
as well as coherence of the channel as a whole

To be fair, I think we've established that this is not how things have been happening.

 * it avoids errors, since one person has an overview of what has been
posted (so you don't get multiple people posting the same message, for

 If a manager doesn't know how to check something has not already been published before posting then they probably are in the wrong role, to be honest.

 * because someone is maintaining the channel, they are able to reply
to questions and discussion

What happens when people don't know who that person is or can't get hold of them?


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