Re: Writing an article for

On 08/15/2015 12:46 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
I'd love to see if someone could write an article on xdg-app for <>.  The reason I'm not doing it is
that I want to see if I can reach out such things to other people in
order to get them invested.  Yes, I can write it, but hey, let's try to
take advantage of opportunities when they come along.

I will personally would like to write an article on extensions and their
breakage.  We will need to be a little careful on this, but since I've
been pretty much put in charge doing this, I think I can thread the
needle and come out with a quality article.

Before writing an article, we probably want to spend some time taking
inventory of what the concerns are (especially from a distro standpoint)
to ensure we address them.

xdg-app was designed in a way to play well with distros, and we need to
make that clear. I see articles coming out ( for example) that
imply xdg-app uses Yocto for runtimes. While our implementation used for
testing xdg-app itself does, this is not a requirement or likely to be
how it is implemented in distros.

-- Christian

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