Re: GNOME 3.14 Release Video Draft 1

On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Bastian Hougaard
<hougaard junior gmail com> wrote:ø/ReleaseVideoG3.14/draft2

One thing that jumped out at me is that the end you had the url moving
backwards.  That's going to be hard to focus on if it does that.  You
should probably keep it static instead of animating it.

It's still moving a little too fast so a little hard to capture the
parts that require reading.  I assume that because it is low
resolution that the overall blurryness will go away?

The thing is that the transition from user visible features to the
development one, you changed the background and added some of the same
visual elements from 'behind the scenes' video.  I assume that is on

This is of course an outstanding job, a couple more tweaks and it will
really rock!


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