Re: Annual Report: new coordinator?

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Diego Escalante Urrelo <diegoe gnome org> wrote:
As I have been discussing with Oliver this past weeks, some recent
personal projects have dragged my attention away from a responsible
coordination of the Annual Report.

As I have stated to you in our discussion I think you have done an
excellent job with the coordination efforts so far.  Its very brave of
you to recognize your situation in this very honest way.

I hope you are able to continue to be a active member of the
Engagement Team once our school settle down, we really need people
like you.

Therefor, we would like to know if anyone can join the project and
help coordinate it for the remainder of the run.

As nobody else have stepped up until this point and I'm familiar with
the process I'm happy to lead the coordination efforts from now on.

I think its critical that we manage to publish a Annual Report within
a reasonable amount of time to show that we as a active project take
such a responsibility seriously. In respect to our broader community,
donors and of course the foundation's advisory board.

The work is simple at this point: you only have to follow–up with
writers, make sure articles are done. Making sure things keep moving

On the last [1] Engagement Team meeting [2] we sat the final deadline
for authors to submit articles (expect for Karen's letter) to 10 of

Proofreading and fixing grammatical errors are very much appreciated.

A good example, and good first task, would be to update the dates in
the schedule:

I have updated the wikipage [3] ( including schedule) and notified the
authors who have not yet submitted their articles for review.

I'm confident that we can work together and in a not to distant future
publish a great report we all can be proud of .


-mvh Oliver Propst

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