Re: 3.12 Release Notes: First Draft

Looks great so far! Thanks for your work, Allan.

* s/3.10/3.12 in a few places

In the Getting GNOME section:
* Can we do have "<a href=""Free
Software</a>" when you say "GNOME's software is Free Software"
* Perhaps add something like "Keep an eye on for downloads to distros which
support GNOME 3.12"

I'd reorder the prevalence of:
* Software - fills a huge gap (for discoverability, ease-of-use, etc)
that Ubuntu Software Center has filled for a long while
* Popovers - very positive reaction from the interweb
* Gedit - also positive reaction
* Videos - very cool changes, but I'm unsure of Videos/totem's
popularity, so it seems strange to see it front & center ( perhaps it
should go in "New and Updated Applications")
* Portability to non-GNU/Linux (maybe) - to give credence to the idea
that, yes, GNOME & systemd are not trying to take over your beloved *nix

in roughly that order.

Also, an important fix for 3.12 is properly rotation touch screens when
the display rotates. That was a show-stopper for me using 3.10. With
more people using touchscreens, many will probably like to know this is

Also, as Alex Diavatis mentioned before, can we be sure to make the
release notes super available from Past releases have been
terribly hard to find (I actually use google to find them, each time).


On 03/17/2014 07:54 PM, Allan Day wrote:
Hi all,

I completed the first draft of the 3.12 release notes earlier today.
There's been a snag getting them online, so if you'd like to see what
they look like, I've uploaded an archive with the source files here:

Once you've extracted the archive, just open with Yelp (I
usually do this from the terminal, but you can probably do it from

I am aiming to get the notes finalised tomorrow (that's Tuesday). In
the mean time, I would really appreciate any comments or feedback. I'm
particularly interested to hear about structure and tone. Are the
features on the first page the best ones to highlight? Should I expand
any of the smaller points? Have any features been given more attention
than they deserve? Is the text too glossy? Are there any sections that
seem lacking in detail?

Anything you can contribute would be really helpful.


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