Re: Beyond the Annual Report

On Wed, 2014-07-16 at 19:51 +0200, Fabiana Simões wrote:
Do you have any specific goals/action items with regards to these
matters? Your email doesn't give us much to discuss and act upon.
I'm aware of that. The purpose of the mail was more about give a
heads-up about some things I'm excited to work at and think are
important for us to focus on after we have published the annual report.
(as we have been so busy with it recently).

I may also give some ideas for the GUADEC BOF (which I unfortunately
will not will be able to attend, at least not in person).

In any case I'm very excited about our future efforts and plan as I
stated to provide more details soon.

 While I appreciate having weekly meetings, it's even more important
to me that we're able to colaborate asynchronously. As someone who is
generally unable to attend the meetings, this mailing list is the only
way I have to contribute and participate. I'd appreciate if we used
the meetings to catalyze the mailing list discussions, instead of the
other way around. 

Did you have anything specific in mind about the website? I'd be happy
to discuss this on this list. 
Great will keep that mind and return soon about it.

-mvh Oliver Propst

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