Re: Community Teams

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:

How much free software background did these people have?
Most people who know a little bit about free software will understand
the established term "User Group" so renaming might only help new users.

We have some members of our User Group in Chicago who have been using GNOME for a while. The feedback they've given about the term "User Group" is that they feel that it made more sense when learning to use GNU/Linux took a significant amount of work (I guess at one point it took quite a lot of work to e.g. access the internet). Now that such things can be pretty easily accomplished using a GUI, the focus is less on simply using and more on being part of the community, etc. Just my two cents based on what I've heard from people. Not that we've come up with anything better.

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