GNOME infographics

Hi there !

I've recently read about a post about how the Mozilla project did this year. It has a nice infographic work 
and I think we can do something similar for GNOME news in december.
Do we have data for doing a similar ?

Some data by now:

* 2 major releases (GNOME 3.4 and 3.8)
* 4 big GNOME conferences (GUADEC, GNOME Asia, Boston Summit and Día GNOME)
* Presence in many FLOSS Conferences
* 9 hackfests ( Not sure if we must count all of them)

Other project, Libreoffice, always adds an Infographic picture in every release. I wonder if it is a good 
idea to do this in our releases.


     -- Juanjo Marin

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