Re: push back on negative articles

On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 02:59:16PM -0700, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
Is there some place to learn about media training?  I don't know.  I go
with my gut on some of this stuff and I haven't had any negative
consequences, but then I'm not dealing with the press, I'm dealing with
people in forums which is a different altogether.

I worked in Marketing, but not in the way you immediately think. Anyway,
I did have some exposure to people who got media training, talked to
press, etc.

Briefly, any politician or anyone dealing with the press is media
trained. Any big company will have spoke persons (either someone
external, or some high up manager). For anyone reading along, the idea
is not that they (spoke person or anyone media trained) lie; it is to
avoid any spins. Say exactly one thing, nothing more.

For the same reason, in any big company you'll get regular reminders to
never talk to the press.


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