Re: Suggestion that the Gnome Foundation start accepting donations through Flattr

On 08/05/2011 03:41 PM, Oliver Propst wrote:
I have a suggestion, namely that the Gnome Foundation start using Flattr for rising founds for the Gnome Foundation.
I also have a basic plan on how to integrate Flattr on
Hi Oliver!
Sorry that it took some time before I answered this. Vacation, conferences and work got in the way. Thanks for reminding me IRL. :)
There have been at least two previous e-mail to this list before about flattr [1] [2] and no concerns were raised as far as I can see so I'm going with the notion that silence means OK and that everyone likes the idea!
The super easy way is to use this Wordpress plugin
Looks easy. I want Vinicius Depizzols +1 on this.

Where to put the Flattr button
My suggestion is to put a Flattr button GNOME foundation startpage for maximum exposure.
I think frontpage would suit better as it has more exposure and because I think it would be good to threat the whole of GNOME as one entity rather than the foundation being a separate side-thing. [3]


- Andreas

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