Re: Kick starting the 3.2 campaign

Hey Allan!

On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 09:08, Allan Day <allanpday gmail com> wrote:
Hi all,

 * We need volunteers for other tasks. The planning page [1] contains
a list of things that need doing. It includes art work, web
development, press relations and writing tasks.

I can (and should) work on design revamp of a couple of
pages. The applications section specifically (which I worked during
GSoC) is something I want to put online in time. We can deliver the
new pages for the GNOME Foundation too.

I worked on the code for page and I'll make sure to
help on this as well.

Also, I'm really looking foward having support for website translation
by the time of the release (however I'm not sure if we can deliver
different languages versions in time once we probably won't have
string freeze in the website content).

 * We need to decide what we're going to do with Do we
want to update it or should it be retired (I presume we can set up a
redirect to

I think we can just avoid content duplication here and just redirect to the main site.

[2] you mean? :)

Thank you!

Vinicius Depizzol <vdepizzol gmail com>

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