Re: Pre-release marketing and community management [Was: getting]

On 01/05/2011 03:01 PM, Paul Cutler wrote:
Hi Allan,

Thanks for kicking off this discussion.

Andreas and I did some work on which can be found on Github:

We were pretty close - the design is done and some of the copy needs
to be updated.  We were waiting for some videos and screenshots and
then we wanted to launch it, but it's a bit stalled.  I don't see any
reason we couldn't take it, update the screenshots and copy, and
launch it fairly quickly.
Agreed, this page have been to long in the making. Doing some screenshots instead of videos for now sounds like a good compromise. Will fix some screenshots, kill some content (the a11y, devs and applications pages for now, until we have some content for those) and hopefully we can get something live maybe this weekend (this probably means next week).
- Andreas

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