gnome miro community status (February 26th, 2011)

Here's the status of GNOME Miro Community
( as of today:

1. The site is running.

2. I switched template themes.  It still has categories, but it's not
category-focused.  This is a step towards making it more user-focused
rather than developer-focused.

3. I went through and curated all the videos in the review queue.  In
doing this, I removed a bunch of the search-based sources because all I
was getting was poor-quality screencasts.

4. I went through and removed a lot of the old GNOME3/Gnome Shell
material that lacked context of what version it applied to.  Last thing
I want to deal with is someone posting a link to an old video from GMC,
waggling their finger, and saying something that hasn't been true for

Mostly, this was a lot of clean up with results that aren't particularly

Over the next week:

1. I'm going to look into adding Universal Subtitles support across the
site.  I'm pretty sure it's not hard to do--I just haven't done it, yet.

2. I want to know where we're posting GNOME3 videos so that I can pull
them into GMC and/or set them up to get pulled in automatically.

Jason?  Others?

3. I'm going to add tutorial podcasts for Gimp and other GNOME-based
applications.  I'll grab what I see in the Miro Guide.  If there are
podcasts that aren't listed in the Miro Guide that should get added, I'm
all ears.

4. I'm going to write a script to pull videos that go sailing by on
Planet GNOME and put them all in a planet-gnome category so that people
can get a "current events" kind of view of the GNOME world through GMC.

That's where things are at!  If there are other things that I should be
doing to make the GNOME3 Marketing strategy easier, let me know.  I'm
only sort of paying attention right now on account of working hard to
wrap up a Miro 4 dev cycle and clearing out my queue before I go to
PyCon 2011.


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