Re: Index page for

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 02:34:55PM +0000, Allan Day wrote:
Olav Vitters wrote:
I want the main page for to show a quick overview of
the information available in the DOAP files.

I have a current example:

Couple of design observations here...

 1. You'd do well to differentiate between the project titles and the
descriptions (using font size and possibly weight). It'll make it easier
to read.

I used the <small> element (it is in HTML5 anyway), but doesn't make
much of a difference. Not all projects have a homepage link. In those
cases it looks a bit strange.

 2. Increasing the vertical padding between each item will also help.

This I still have to figure out how to do nicely. An additional <br/>
seems a bit much. Help appreciated :)

 3. If you do 1 and 2, you probably don't need the bullets.

I've removed the bullets and made the columns less wide. I still need to
right align the icons. Not sure how to do that nicely. Help appeciated :)

I've done a _very_ rough mockup to show you what I mean [1].

Much appreciated! I've updated the example to look a bit closer (not
fully, having some issues) to your mockup. Suggestions (with HTML/CSS :P
) welcome.

One thing I forgot to mention: DOAP allows for multiple 'icons'. You can
have multiple homepages (it'll only link to the 1st one), as well as
multiple mailing lists, etc.

So I cannot really have all the icons exactly the same I think.. except
if I start using tables. I guess it doesn't really matter.

Anyway, I need some good icons for:
 * Bugzilla
 * Mailing lists (usually it'll link to a mailing list!)
 * Git (some version control icon?)
 * Download icon

Icons/images should be small (prefer 16x), fit in the GNOME style and
have a good license. Can anyone help me with that?

I've had a quick look through gnome-icon-theme. There are a few good
possibilities [2, 3, 4, 5]. The last one is probably the most tenuous (I
might get told off by the designers for icon abuse!) I'd be surprised if
there isn't a Tango-style bug icon on the interwebs somewhere....

Cool! For now I've just linked directly to them, which makes the HTML a
bit massive.

Also, I'd like to only show projects which either have a
homepage/buglink/mailing list or a download page. But my XSLT skills are
a bit lacking for that. I can make it work with the current modules, but
want it ok in the theoretical case.


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