Totally OSMS Podcast with Paul Cutler Interview 5-10-2010

Hey all!

On 5 Oktober 2010 21:00-22:00 (CEST), the first podcast of Totally OSMS (Totally Open Source Media Stream) will be aired on Hackerspaces Signal. (
This Podcast includes a interview I have done with Paul Cutler about GNOME 3, the latest developments and some general open source related news.
The podcast and a longer version of the interview will be available in about 1 week after the broadcast.
Lets hope for a wider interest in GNOME 3 :)

This is the very first Podcast (prerecorded) to test how people respond to the concept of the show, so feel free to comment on the website!
If everything turns out good, this will be a weekly show broadcasted live in audio and video, and will be uploaded in podcast format after the live broadcast!

Totally OSMS is all about Free licenced Music (Creative Commons, GNU/GPL etc), news in Freedom World and lots of fun!
I have been working for 2 months on this project so lets hope that everything works out well!

I want to thank the Marketing department for Inspiring me to start this project, and Paul Cutler for the first interview of the show!


Joey Ferwerda 
Alias. Morton Black

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