Re: Marketing hackfest next year


We need to have another marketing hackfest in preparation for the GNOME
3.0 launch. This will be entirely work-oriented. The date ranges
available for this are the two weeks immediately following the UI
freeze: February 26th - March 13th.

Please reply to this email with your availability: where can you travel
and what dates are you available?

The GNOME.Asia community was been planning to host a hackfest that
coincides with the GNOME 3.0 release.  The point of their hackfest was
to get people together to work on tasks that need to get done in
association with the launch.  Would it make sense to plan to do such
marketing hackfest work at the GNOME.Asia 3.0 launch hackfest?

Their current plans have been to have their event a bit later (early
April), but it seems worth discussing with them.  I imagine they
would consider moving their event earlier if that would better fit in
with the needs of relevant groups such as the Marketing team.

At any rate, some discussion with them to determine how marketing hackfest plans should be coordinated seems appropriate. There may be
opportunities to do some different marketing things at both events
if we decide to keep them separate events, for example.


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