Re: Summary of responses to round one questions about 3.0

Hi Jason,

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 12:45 AM, Jason D. Clinton <me jasonclinton com> wrote:
Seth, who we had discussed on our conference call in the context of the
Pooper and the public image of Gnome 3.0, was one of the respondents. Other
than confirming that he saw "Shell as 3.0" and not mentioning *any* of the
ideas in his blog posts, his response was incomprehensible,
post-modern evasion. I only bring this up because I think that it's safe to
say at this point that none of Seth's ideas have any other champions.

Have to say, this is in very poor taste, for a number of reasons.  The
least of which is that you indicated that the responses would not be

For what it is worth, I happen to hold Seth's opinions and ideas in
very high regard.  And he brought a lot of both to the hackfest.
There's just something kinda not cool about the way you've
characterized his input into your process.

No one from Shell replied. I begged them to in the middle of the week but it
hasn't happened. I asked again today and Owen said that they weren't
planning on answering our four questions anyway but that he would follow up
to this list with a separate post. Jon McCann expressed resentment that we
even asked anyone these questions. I have logs of the entire conversations
regarding this topic should anyone care to revisit it but I think it best to
just move on.

For the record, not quite resentment.  Basically said two things:
1. polling hackfest participants is not a good way to try to
understand what we are planning and going to do for GNOME 3
2. Owen would respond in short order with a more instructive roadmap
(he has already done so)

That said, the somewhat accusatory tone of your questionnaire didn't
really give me a warm fuzzy and make me want to jump on board.  And I
have no idea what the purpose of the above paragraph is.

Anyway, reasonable folks, let's all work together to market GNOME 3,
shall we?  Perhaps with a little more tact.


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