Re: Friends of GNOME Ruler

Hi Paul,

2010/3/25 Paul Cutler <pcutler gnome org>:

Is there a chance you can take another look at the ruler?  For (specifically for the release notes) the ruler seems
to be fixed width and when you resize your browser it looks funny.

The 2.30 release notes are here:
(gnome / 2.28 to login)

As I said before, the ruler needs to be added inside the ''page" div,
just after the "header" div. It looks like the ruler is being placed
*after* the "page" div. Could you try that?



On Tue, 2010-03-23 at 16:17 +0000, Lucas Rocha wrote:

2010/3/23 Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org>:
FYI, since this has gone live we've gotten 10 donations for a total of $775
plus 2 new subscribers for an immediate donation of $20.

So $795 since yesterday! We should update the ruler regularly as long as the
pace is up. (This money plus the rest of March.)

Lucas, should I send new numbers to you?

Forgot to say: yes, you can send the new numbers to me :-)


On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 7:31 AM, Frederic Peters <fpeters gnome org> wrote:

On 03/23/2010 08:49 AM, Frederic Peters wrote:
I couldn't get it to fill the whole width, as it conflicted with the
sidebar which is position: absolute; but here it is in place:

That page is broken for me now (Firefox 3.5.8 on Fedora 12).

I see nothing below the Home/Users/Admin... tabs.

It works with Epiphany; I'd be happy to apply any patch to make it
work with Firefox (can't test it at the moment).

Thanks to the amazing insight of Vincent, this has now been fixed.

He's definitely my hero.

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