Re: New donators roles

On Wed, 2010-06-02 at 14:28 -0300, Jonh Wendell wrote:
Em Qua, 2010-06-02 às 11:52 -0500, Bharat Kapoor escreveu:

      * Can the "About" section be updated once the person has
        installed the software? Can we push new data?
        e.g. Any new thank yous or Donation campaigns or messages?
My idea is to have data 'of this release': In GNOME 3.0 we would show
names that contributed to 3.0 (in the 3.0 cycle). In 3.2 we would show
the names of who donated in 3.2 cycle. Once a version X is release, who
donate would appear in About dialog of X+1.

      * Also where exactly will this section reside?
It *would* reside in a new About GNOME dialog. That's my proposal. Do
you guys agree?

Jason Clinton has been talking about something similar as well.


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