Re: GNOME Store Update?

Good morning,

On 01/13/2010 04:52 PM, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
 On 01/12/2010 02:39 AM, Paul Cutler wrote:
Can you give us an update on the GNOME Store and what's left to be
done?  Are there any specific action items that someone on the list
may be able to help with?
Hi Paul!
First of all, sorry for dragging my feet on this one, but I blame my bad
life-planning for keeping me busy and burning me out a bit. :)
In general, most of it is done as far as I'm concerned, and what's left
before we can launch is mostly polish-polish.
A couple of things off my head:
* Add two more products so we get a nice 3x3 grid of gear (plus points
if it's not t-shirts).
* A nicer header.

As a follow up from the Marketing meeting last week, I've added the
request to the ArtRequest page on lgo[1] with more detail here[2].


Then I think we can launch. Please help now everyone, if just with one
of the things on the list!
- Andreas

If anyone wants to help poke the Art team as a follow-up, the help is




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