Ar Mer, 2009-09-16 am 11:03 -0600, ysgrifennodd Stormy Peters:
On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Brian Cameron <Brian Cameron sun com> wrote: Stormy: > How do we encourage people to write recommendations? Could we do some > sort of "Pass it on" campaign? A few of us could write > recommendations and then ask the people we recommended to "pass it > on" by recommending two more people. That is not a bad idea. However, I think one thing that makes this hard is that many people probably do not know who is doing good hard work. Many people might be thrilled by the new bugzilla, for example, but have no idea who did the work. It is hard to recommend people if you do not know who is doing things. What if we had a "thank you GNOME" mailing list or page. People could send in their thanks for specific features or work and we could match it up with the right person.
Perl have a 'perlthanks' utility which is essentially a configuration of their bug reporting tool to emial thank-you notes. It would be nice to have such a program in GNOME (possibly linked to the About Gnome UI), though all that may be needed is a link to a webpage in About Gnome where they can submit a thank-you note. Regards, Iestyn
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