Re: Exploiting the Nokia N900 release

2009/9/5 Juanjo Marin <juanjomarin96 gmail com>:
El sáb, 05-09-2009 a las 11:32 +0200, Andre Klapper escribió:
Am Freitag, den 04.09.2009, 19:20 +0200 schrieb Juanjo Marin:
Meanwhile we're waiting for Quim reply/help

You didn't ask any questions.
What do you expect as an answer?

Well, I was asking for help. He is a Gnome Foundation member, so I think
he could help

By now, I know of some Gnomers who have worked on Maemo (mainly because
what I've read from their blogs) and we can ask some questions if you

Again: Questions. Where are they?

Maybe I was not explicity enough, I was asking to the marketing list for
questions. I said I don't know a shit about marketing. I only was trying
to help pointing out who is the right person to ask.

I think that I can't help more :(

Actually you helped a lot, indeed.  I wrote an email to Quim asking if
he could help to understand how GNOME stuff became part of their open
source strategy, and how they are profiting from using it, but I had
no reply yet.
Same thing with other contacts suggested by Stormy privately. If I
don't get any feedback I'll write a draft PR without quotes,



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