Re: Google Adsense versus Adwords

+1 from me too.  I did this once before.  Not rocket science :).


On 05/24/2009 09:10 AM, Stormy Peters wrote:
When I asked Google about an adsense account (which enables you to put
Google ads on your website and get compensated for them) they mentioned
the AdWords grant program to me. AdWords lets you advertise your site
via google ads on other people's sites, including Google Search.

The AdWords grant program offers free AdWords accounts to nonprofits:
(You get a daily budget of $329.)

However, you can't have an AdSense account too.

Since we are conflicted about ads, and much more likely to reach
agreement on specific company ads than general google ads, I recommend
we apply for a Google AdWords grant.

If we get it, is there anyone with experience in AdWords, SEO or
advertising that would like to help run it? (The application itself
requires just a few things like target audience and sample campaign
slogans that we'd need to think about.)

Thoughts? All for applying for a free AdWords account?


On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 3:45 AM, Dave Neary <dneary gnome org
<mailto:dneary gnome org>> wrote:


    Stormy Peters wrote:
     > I agree that if it's even a percentage of that, it might be worth it.
     > What would people think of trying it out for a couple of months? We
     > could start with Google ads to see how well ads work and once we
    have an
     > idea of how much to expect, we could solicit ads directly from

    One important thing to bear in mind (and I'm digging into second-hand
    memory banks here) is whether this would affect our relationship with
    the various companies who donate bandwidth & hosting services. I don't
    think OSU OSL has any issue with this, but IIRC, hosting in Red Hat's
    colo had a "no ads" condition attached.

    Worth investigating, at least - if we end up with $150K advertising
    revenues a year and an extra $300K hosting costs to pay, it would be a
    bad deal.


    Dave Neary
    GNOME Foundation member
    dneary gnome org <mailto:dneary gnome org>


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