Re: First version of GNOME amazon store online

On 07/20/2009 03:24 PM, Jaap A. Haitsma wrote:

I've got a first version of the amazon store online. I'd like to have
some feedback and consensus where to go from here.

The shop is online at

If you are using Firefox you see a highlight on the search box.
Clicking on it enables you to add the " GNOME" search
engine. It's just like the normal search engine as shipped with
Firefox only the affiliate is set such that the GNOME foundation gets
a percentage of the subsequent sale.

The shop looks good. The only question I had is if there is a way to
change the text of the header so it's not overlapping the people image.
Basically the idea is to stimulate GNOME lovers to buy their stuff at
the GNOME amazon store and/or use the " GNOME" search
plugin. Does anybody know if the fees received for the plugin are the
same as for a shop. I can't find anything about it on the amazon site.
Seems to be a fixed percentage per product.

I believe the affiliate program is the same for either program.

I've also added the other shop outside the US

These pages don't contain a  shop yet (I prefer to have some feedback
first), but they contain the search engine already.

A note. I can't do much about how the shop looks. I'm just embedding in a iframe. Amazon just allows
me to play with some colors, fonts and which categories I want to add

For categories, specifically the GTK books - does anybody know how old
those books are? Are they still relevant?
Things I'm still planning on doing
1) Switching between the shops by putting links to the other shops on
each of the shop pages
2) Add a link to the firefox extension I talked about earlier. I
already submitted it to
3) Add a link on which you can click to install the searchplugin
Those are all great ideas!

Let me know your thoughts.


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Jaap - again, this is awesome, thank you very much for taking the ball
and running with it.


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