Re: Please welcome Denise Walters to GNOME Marketing

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Stormy Peters<stormy gnome org> wrote:
GNOME Marketing team,

I'd like to introduce a new member to the group.

Denise Walters is a friend of mine who worked with me at HP. She worked on
the Linux and Open Source Marketing team there and before that she wrote
technical documentation. She has 10 years of experience documenting Debian
and commercial distributions to meet HP customer needs.

Denis is looking to contribute a bit more to the open source world and has
agreed to start with GNOME marketing! In particular she's interested in
working on the customer success stories that Guy proposed at the marketing
BOF, but I'm sure her feedback will be valuable on a number of things we

Please welcome, Denise!
Welcome to GNOME, Denise.


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