Re: Marketing, GNOME 3.0 and subteams

On Mon, 2009-04-27 at 16:37 +0100, Alex Hudson wrote:
Stormy Peters wrote:
+ Identify our target audience(s). Do we want to communicate with 
existing GNOME users, all free desktop users, or try to reach out to 
non-free-desktop users? (I think we can safely leave communicating 
with developers up to the developers themselves.)
+ Identify our key messages. What's new/interesting/cool about GNOME 
3.0. Who will it benefit? How?

I'd like to proffer an observation on the above two points: part of what 
people are talking about being cool about GNOME 3.0 is the developer 
platform being streamlined and modernized. Although we want to 
evangelise the benefits, the most powerful message wouldn't be GNOME 
saying that stuff (we would, wouldn't we?) but having a series of other 
projects saying that.

It would *really* help to have top-notch developer
documentation to push our platform.  I'm not talking
about API references here, though those are important
as well.  I mean hands-on tutorials and conceptual

Our platform has been lambasted for having inadequate
documentation in the past.  We have an opportunity to
overcome our previous shortcomings with a bang.  Let's
not waste it.

Shaun (aka Mr. Broken-Record)

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